About Me

I started this blog to keep track of my kitchen creations. I love cooking and eating. In 2008 I was diagnosed with RA. Food started becoming a huge problem. I needed to find a better way to eat the flavors I love. All the recipes I create are driven by my desire to eat good food that won't create extra pain and inflammation in my internal ecosystem. While the recipes are wholesome, the language is not. I swear. I use the word 'fuck'. A lot! I make no apologies for that. It's just a fair warning. I'm raw and real. Happy cooking! Even happier eating! Cheers! Angie

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sweet Potatoes In Smoothies

Growing up, the only time sweet potatoes showed up on my table was on a holiday.......usually Thanksgiving.  They were cooked in loads of butter and brown sugar. The result was a sweet, sticky, gooey mess. There was no way to hide the grossness. I never liked them and avoided them at all costs.  It was only just recently that a friend of mine suggested putting them in smoothies.  Shit!  I'll try anything!  Plus I also had my coach who willingly tries anything I make.  I was pretty fucking surprised to discover that putting them in smoothies didn't suck!

Sweet potatoes are distantly related to potatoes but unlike potatoes, they are not a nightshade plant, which is good news for those of us who have a hard time with nightshade veggies.  They have great nutritional content and the darker orange the flesh, the better they are!  They are a simple starch and are loaded with complex carbs, fiber, Vitamin C and betacarotene (the last two both increases when you cook them).  They also have potassium, calcium, vitamins B5 & B6, and manganese.

Cooking these tubers of love for use in smoothies is so easy!  Keep the skins on.  Chop them and throw them in a baking pan with some water and toss that shit in a 350 degree oven until they are soft. Check them every once in a while to make sure they aren't burning.  Once they are done, store them in the fridge or freezer.  If you freeze them, lay them out on a parchment covered baking sheet to freeze otherwise those little bastards will stick together and make your life hell trying to separate them!  Once they are solid, throw them in a freezer bag.

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