About Me

I started this blog to keep track of my kitchen creations. I love cooking and eating. In 2008 I was diagnosed with RA. Food started becoming a huge problem. I needed to find a better way to eat the flavors I love. All the recipes I create are driven by my desire to eat good food that won't create extra pain and inflammation in my internal ecosystem. While the recipes are wholesome, the language is not. I swear. I use the word 'fuck'. A lot! I make no apologies for that. It's just a fair warning. I'm raw and real. Happy cooking! Even happier eating! Cheers! Angie

Thursday, July 12, 2012

What The Flax!

Over the past several days, I have been listening to The Underground Wellness Show’s free on-line event called Real Food Summit.  One of many the speakers,  Yuri Elkaim, was talking about flax and how good it is for your body.  Well, we all know that, right?  What I didn’t know is that in order for our bodies to process flax properly, it must be ground!  I had no clue!  Here all this time I’ve been using whole flax seeds only to find that they have not truly been benefiting me.  I wonder how many others out there didn’t know this!

It's better to use ground flax because whole flaxseeds just pass right through your body undigested. Eating ground flaxseed allows your body to get the omegas as well as the phytochemicals.  Also, the meal contains fibers that our gut needs.

So short, and sweet, buy ground flax.  If you find that whole flax is cheaper, you can grind it yourself if you have a coffee grinder.

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